X Border Support4Games

This Interreg Aurora project aims to strengthen competitiveness and collaboration of the games industry SMEs in the Ostrobothnia and Västerbotten regions.


Branch: Digitalisation

Duration: 1.1.2024 […]

Baltic Sea Game Incubation

The extension project “Baltic Sea Game Incubation – Piloting Network Activities to Foster Game Incubation in the BSR” (BSGI) builds upon the BGI-project and continues […]

Distribuerat Förkroppsligat Lärande

Distribuerat Förkroppsligat Lärande för Processoperatörer i Framtida Batteriproduktion

This project aims to develop, test and implement a distributed XR-environment to educate future operators in the process […]

Innovation Game 2.0

A stronger game industry in the region with more game studios, higher turnover, more employees and more equality witch will lead to creation of a […]

Innovation Game (finished)

Innovation Game is a project aimed at stimulating the establishment of a sustainable innovative environment for game development and game-related businesses, through interaction and cooperation […]